
7 tips for parents with atopic dermatitis in children

7 Tipps für Eltern bei Neurodermitis beim Kind

Neurodermatitis (also known as atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema) is one of the most common skin diseases in babies and children. The skin reacts hypersensitively to external stimuli. The inflamed skin and constant itching are a great burden for both children and parents.

But with a few simple measures, parents can provide relief in everyday life and distract from the unpleasant symptoms. Below you will find 7 tips against atopic dermatitis in babies and children.

1. cotton gloves for sleeping

Special atopic dermatitis gloves can help to protect your child’s sensitive skin. The gloves are put on the child’s hands before going to bed and prevent the child from scratching the affected areas of skin.

This allows the inflammation to heal more quickly and the itching itching all over the body is significantly alleviated. Ointments or care products are absorbed into the skin and bacteria no longer get from the hands to the inflamed areas. This means that even the youngest children are fully protected and can rest at night.

Generally speaking, people with skin prone to neurodermatitis should wear comfortable clothing. Soft materials such as cotton protect children’s sensitive skin from repeated irritation.

Reduziere Neurodermitis

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

  • REDUZIERT Rötungen und Juckreiz
  • FÖRDERT das Gleichgewicht der Haut
  • STÄRKT die Hautschutzbarriere

Skin protection


2. apply cream regularly

To alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, applying moisturizing and moisturizing skin care products should be part of your daily routine.

These can be lotions, creams or ointments. The respective product should be adapted to the individual skin type and current condition of the patient’s skin.

While highly oily creams are helpful in winter, it is better to use products with a higher water content in summer. In addition, special additives such as urea or cortisone can alleviate neurodermatitis symptoms.

If atopic dermatitis is present in babies and toddlers, the pediatrician will usually recommend a suitable cream. The attending physician will also provide additional tips on how to treat the symptoms of atopic eczema.

3. cool compresses to relieve itching

3 Cool compresses to relieve itching

Cold is an effective method of relieving itching as it temporarily numbs the nerve endings. It is best to place cooled cloths soaked in black tea or camomile tea on the affected areas of skin. The tea has an antibacterial effect and dries out the inflamed skin area.

It is always advisable to keep a cold compress in the fridge, wrap it in a cloth if necessary and use it to cool the itchy area for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Itching and redness can be treated quickly and children’s sensitive skin is soothed, especially after an acute attack of neurodermatitis. A real insider tip for atopic dermatitis in small children.

4. the right choice of clothes

Clothing for atopic dermatitis should irritate the skin as little as possible and therefore have a soft surface without scratchy areas. It should not be made of wool or synthetic fibers, as these often trigger allergic reactions and acute flare-ups.

For sporting activities, it is advisable to wear breathable clothing, which is available from specialist retailers. Sweat can also irritate the skin and cause itching. This mainly affects older children and adolescents who suffer from atopic dermatitis.

5. trim fingernails regularly

It is particularly important to trim your child’s fingernails regularly and make sure they stay short. This is particularly important for young children. Scratching can cause small wounds on the already damaged skin.

This makes it easier for harmful substances to penetrate the skin and, in the worst case, cause skin infections. If the fingernails are short, the little neurodermatitis patients can scratch themselves, but injure the skin less and agonizing neurodermatitis symptoms and redness are reduced.

6. wash new clothes first

Especially for babies with atopic dermatitis, any form of chemical in direct contact with sensitive skin is poison. New garments are usually specially treated during production so that residues are still present in the fabric when they are purchased.

It is therefore essential to wash your new clothes before wearing them to avoid contact with allergens. However, it is essential to avoid detergents with aggressive washing substances and dyes. For a gentle treatment of baby’s delicate skin, it is better to use fragrance-free products or at least products with only a little perfume.

7. showering instead of bathing

Showering instead of bathing

It is better to give a child or baby with atopic dermatitis a warm shower than a hot bath. A bath only further dehydrates the already dry skin.

When bathing or showering, make sure that the water is not too hot. Otherwise this will increase itching and dry out the skin. Do not rub your child’s skin dry after the bath. This stresses the skin and exacerbates the symptoms of neurodermatitis.

It is best to carefully dab the water off with a towel to protect the sensitive skin.

What else relieves itching with atopic dermatitis?

Scratching until it bleeds is not a good idea, especially with atopic dermatitis, but is usually difficult to explain to small children. In addition to the typical treatment methods for atopic dermatitis, there are other ways to relieve acute itching and reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

The use of phages is a special tip for neurodermatitis. The approach focuses on the weakened and imbalanced skin microbiome.

Reduziere Neurodermitis

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Infections should be prevented or at least better controlled through the use of bacteriophages by stabilizing and strengthening the bacterial colonization on the skin.

We at Sanubiom have developed products to support the treatment of neurodermatitis.

With special bacterial nutrients in our products, phages are designed to restore microbial skin balance, reduce itching and restore lost quality of life for you and your child. With Sanubiom SkinCare Protect we bring your skin flora into balance.

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