Our product recommendation for acne

Our products are free from silicones, parabens, kerosenes, PEGs, PAKS, aluminum, microplastics & cortisone

How does SkinCare Acne work for acne?

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Sanubiom SkinCare Protect - Akne

With SkinCare Acne we help your skin flora to achieve a natural balance. The product protects against malignant bacteria that cause acne.

This reduces irritation and redness on your skin.

Bacteriophages offer you the opportunity to gently protect your skin. SkinCare Acne is pH-neutral and alcohol-free. This means that your skin does not dry out and is not subjected to additional stress.

Acne & Phage Technology

Sanubiom Phage Technology harnesses the power of billions of natural microbes. Sanubiom’s main focus is on bacteriophages. They are the most common microorganisms on our planet and protect the natural balance of our skin flora.

Wherever bacteria are found, phages are not far away. Bacteriophages are basically microorganisms that do not reproduce on their own. They use certain bacteria as hosts, attack them and thus regulate the number of pathogens. One of the best-known suspects is Staphylococcus Aureus, which can cause skin irritations.

Staphylococcus aureus is also involved in acne. These bacteria cause typical irritations such as redness, comedones (blackheads) and pimples. Acne can range from common acne (acne vulgaris) in a mild form of acne to severely inflamed skin pustules, papules or eczema. This form is known as severe acne or acne inversa. Due to the overproduction of sebum, the sebaceous glands become clogged and severe symptoms occur.

The bacteriophages in SkinCare Acne reduce malignant bacteria. The good bacteria on your skin are preserved and strengthened. This regeneration process visibly reduces the irritation on the areas of skin affected by acne. Blackheads and spots are reduced and the skin feels better.

Acne before and after comparison

SkinCare Acne should be used for at least 14 days on acne-prone skin. To achieve the best possible result, we recommend using the product for 4-6 weeks.

The bacteriophages regularly sprayed onto your skin restore the balance of microbes during this period. This means that the malignant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are reduced and good bacteria are strengthened.

The skin regenerates and visible skin problems are reduced. This means that redness, pimples and blackheads are reduced.

You no longer want to do without SkinCare Acne? No problem, you can use our product for as long as necessary without any negative effects. This way you can prevent acne from developing further.

Acne before and after comparison

100% nature

pH neutral

without animal testing


No alcohol

manufactured according to GMP standards

How do I use SkinCare Acne correctly for acne?

Spray SkinCare Acne2 onto cleansed skin up to 3 times a day. The skin should be free of other products such as creams, powders, etc.

Allow SkinCare Acne to absorb for 5-10 minutes. You can then apply other products or cosmetics to your skin as required.

Details on use can be found in the document on correct use.

If acne reappears after discontinuing SkinCare Acne, the application with bacteriophages should be restarted.

Has your complexion already visibly improved? As a preventative measure, you can use SkinCare Acne in a reduced application.

How do I use Sanubiom SkinCare correctly for acne?


Probiotic skin protection SkinCare Acne with Phage Technology.
Your skin comes to rest.

  • Anti-pimple
  • Anti-blackhead
  • Reduces redness and prevents inflammation

Our ratings on trustpilottrustpilot

4.5 – Outstanding

What are bacteriophages and how do they help with acne?

Bacteriophages are a revolutionary method to combat irritation in acne-prone skin.

But what exactly are these bacteriophages? We went in search of the origins of this natural wonder weapon for you. You can find more details under Knowledge about phage application.

You will quickly realize that the use of phages is a modern method for reducing various imbalances.

Redness and irritation of the skin with acne are also visible consequences of a bacterial imbalance. They can be reduced with phages.

What else you should know about Sanubiom and acne!

When using bacteriophages, you benefit from the power of nature. Bacteriophages are a purely natural product.

SkinCare Acne also contains no alcohol. This prevents your skin from drying out. Our product is pH neutral, sterile and gentle on your skin.

This means you can apply the spray to severely reddened skin, spots or blackheads without any problems. The skin condition will change for the better.

Our products are of course free from animal testing and vegan.

“Anyone who suffers from acne and skin irritation on their face knows the pressure this causes. Every little improvement is a great success for me!”

Bewertung vom 03.04.2021

Sehr gutes Produkt

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Bewertung vom 09.03.2021


Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Spray meine Rötungen sind deutlich besser geworden.



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Den Spray hat mein Mann getestet, da er immer wieder mit Rötungen, Hautreizungen und dergleichen zu kämpfen hat!

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Bewertung vom 30.12.2020

Ich bin sehr begeistert von diesem Produkt

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Voller Erfolg

Bereits nach 2 Tagen sehen wir einen deutlichen Erfolg. Werde es weiter verwenden. TOP!



Bewertung vom 28.09.2020

Da ich oft mit Juckreiz und Rötungen zu tun habe, war ich froh, Sanubiom einmal auszuprobieren zu dürfen

Und mir hilft es ungemein. Mein Juckreiz hat sich unheimlich gebessert und die Rötungen sind ganz verschwunden.



Bewertung vom 02.09.2020

Hat mich überzeugt

Ich habe seit einer Woche @sanubiom SkinCare auf meiner empfindlichen Gesichthaut getestet. Die Wirkung hat mich überzeugt. Meine roten Stellen auf der Haut sind verschwunden. Jeden Tag sieht man…



Bewertung vom 15.07.2020

Ich habe ihn getestet und bin begeistert!

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Bewertung vom 04.07.2020

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Seit einer Woche testen ich und meine Familie Sanubiom

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Auch mit meinen ü40 habe ich regelmäßig Unreinheiten wie Pickel, Pusteln und Rötungen.

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Das Produkt hat mir sehr gut gefallen.

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Want to know more about acne?

You can find out all about acne in other articles. There you will find information on how best to combat acne, pimples, blackheads (comedones) and blemished skin. In the knowledge articles you can learn more about skin health and forms of acne in particular.

In our latest blog posts, we give you helpful tips on how to deal with annoying spots and blemished skin. Pimples can be treated with many methods. You may already be achieving initial success against blackheads with the right diet. Read more about this in our articles on acne and pimples.

More about acne

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