Acne treatment – medication and alternative therapy

Acne treatment always depends on the form and progression of the acne.

Of course, any treatment method must also take into account whether you have particularly sensitive skin. Factors such as allergies to certain substances must be taken into account.

The treatments are therefore as different as each acne itself. In severe cases, we always recommend consulting the dermatologist treating you. If your acne is mild, you may be able to get rid of it with home remedies.

Depending on its form and severity, acne can be treated with external and locally applied creams and ointments. If the acne does not improve, treatment with medication usually brings the desired results.

Treating acne – an overview of interesting facts

  • Moderate acne and severe acne should always be treated by a doctor or dermatologist.
  • Mild acne is often treated without medication.
  • Mild cases are usually initially treated with ointments or creams to be applied locally.
  • Home remedies can be used for mild acne and provide support for more severe cases.
  • Special care products have an antibacterial effect (e.g. decandiol) and can combat acne.
Acne treatment - medication and alternative therapy
Can acne be cured?

Can acne be cured?

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions and you can do something about it – find out more here.

What methods are there for treating acne?

Acne treatment is just as individual as the acne itself.

Acne occurs very differently from person to person.

Accordingly, there are many individual answers to the question What is the best way to treat acne?

From tried and tested home remedies for acne to special creams and certain medications.

However, a basic distinction can be made between external and internal acne therapy.

Acne treatment options

External acne treatment

For mild and moderate cases, antibiotics in the form of ointments are often used for external acne treatment.

These contain e.g. erythromycin or clindamycin.

Both drugs reduce the number of bacteria on the skin. Skin-renewing peelings, which are usually based on natural fruit acids, can also be used for local acne treatment.

However, locally applied ointments and creams are most commonly used.

Products with special ingredients such as decandiol, licochalcone A, carnitine or lactic acid can be applied externally to the affected areas of skin.

These skin care products do not contain any active ingredients, but can be used alongside acne treatment with medication.

Over-the-counter acne creams with medicinal substances usually contain benzene peroxide. This active ingredient can also be used in the form of a washing emulsion or gel.

It suppresses the growth of Propionibacterium acnes in the sebaceous glands. Another way to reduce acne symptoms is to use phages.

In this approach, bacteriophages are used as a natural weapon against Staphylococcus aureus are used.

Bacteriophages, which occur naturally on the skin, are applied in increased concentrations in the form of a spray.

This suppresses the harmful bacteria, promotes the good ones and restores the skin’s balance.

Internal acne treatment

Internal acne treatment

Internal and medicinal acne treatment is only used for moderate and severe courses of the disease.

Above all, treatment with medication takes time. An improvement in acne symptoms usually only becomes apparent after a period of 6 to 8 weeks. As a rule, medications such as antibiotics, isotretinoin and antiandrogens are used.

These are taken orally, usually in tablet form, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Medication and antibiotics in particular are not intended as long-term treatment, as otherwise resistance could develop.

Other preparations – such as vitamin A acid derivatives (retinoids) – can also help against acne. Although they can’t do anything against a bacterial infection, they do combat pimples and closed blackheads.

The active ingredient isotretinoin is usually used here. Oral isotretinoin reduces sebum production, the number of acne lesions and scarring. It is mainly used to treat severe courses.

How can acne scars be removed? – Tips & Tricks

Dermatologists use various methods to remove acne scars.

The treatment of acne scars ranges from laser treatments and chemical peels to surgical scar correction.

Acne scars should only be treated once the acne has completely cleared up.

Treatment options for acne scars

  • Laser treatment
  • Dermabrasion
  • Operation
  • Cold treatment
  • Chemical peeling
  • Acid treatment
  • Injection with cortisone
  • Injection with collagen

Alternative methods against acne

You can also fight acne with the help of homeopathy. Schüssler salts are very popular and a total of 12 of them help specifically against bad and blemished skin.

It is best to discuss with your GP or dermatologist exactly which homeopathy or Schüssler salts can help.

Cosmetic studios and doctors also offer other external treatment methods for acne.

For example, vaporization, icing or light therapies.

Home remedies for the treatment of acne

There are a few home remedies that can successfully help against acne. These include tea tree oil, healing clay, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, honey and steam baths.

Cosmetic treatments can also help to improve the appearance of the skin. Of course, there are some tips against acne that you can follow with regard to your diet and your everyday life in general.

Home remedies can definitely help you to treat mild acne naturally.

Home remedies for acne:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Healing clay
  • Aloe Vera
  • Cold treatment
  • Choose suitable make-up
  • Honey
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Steam bath
  • Avoid UV radiation and UV light (sun protection)
Home remedies for acne treatment
The right diet for acne

The right diet for acne

The right diet can help you fight acne.

The connection between diet and acne is controversial.

However, scientists believe that dairy products and a predominantly glycemic diet can worsen the appearance of the skin.

Too many sweets, chocolate and potato chips can exacerbate acne symptoms.

If you are affected by acne, we definitely recommend a balanced and vitamin-rich diet.

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