Why do you have acne? The triggers of acne!

Acne and blemishes are a common skin condition. It occurs particularly in adolescents, as hormonal changes during puberty promote hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. However, there are many different acne triggers.

It is not only a disorder of the sebaceous glands that can be the cause. An overgrowth of bacteria or an inflammatory reaction can also be the cause of blemished skin. Genetic predispositions can also have a negative effect on the appearance of the skin.

The development of acne is a process that is determined by many different influencing factors. The skin is imbalanced and the skin’s protective barrier is damaged. This manifests itself in irritations such as pustules and spots. On this page you will read all about the triggers of acne.

Triggers of acne
Who gets acne?

Who gets acne?

Around 80 percent of the population have been affected by acne at some point in their lives. Adolescents in puberty complain particularly frequently about this problem.

Acne occurs mainly in boys and young men and is often more pronounced in them.

One trigger in adolescents is the production of male hormones and sex hormones such as testosterone during puberty.

These hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum. The increased sebum production causes acne.

In addition, the skin of teenagers tends to thicken at the sebaceous glands.

This causes sebum and detached skin cells to accumulate and the characteristic white blackheads appear.

But acne can also occur in adults over the age of 20 or 30. This is referred to as adult acne or late acne.

Late acne is less common in men than in women.

Especially women who have been taking the pill since the beginning of puberty and stop taking it after a few years have problems. This hormonal change is one of the triggers of acne.

Infant acne, which occurs in the first few months of life, is also common. This is usually triggered by hereditary predispositions, which can lead to severe acne flare-ups even during puberty.

Typical symptoms of acne
What is my body missing with acne?

What is my body missing with acne?

Pimples and blackheads (comedones) are primarily a sign that the skin is unbalanced. And this can happen at any stage of life.

Wondering what’s wrong with your body right now?

It can help if you take a look at your current facial care routine, your diet and your current lifestyle.

Acne is basically caused by micro-inflammations in the skin, which are influenced by hormonal changes, environmental influences or medication.

However, there are also other factors that play a role in the various forms of acne.

Factors that can potentially disrupt the balance of your skin

  • your diet
  • taking medication or antibiotics
  • smoking
  • Stress
  • Cosmetics
  • Sun (UV radiation)
  • your clothes
  • Unsuitable make-up
  • Washing the face too often

The relationship between diet and acne is a very controversial topic. The wrong food intake is often seen as a trigger for acne.

Most scientists agree on one point. All foods with a high glycemic index(milk and dairy products) promote blemished skin.

Smoking is considered a risk factor for acne and is therefore also a possible trigger. On the one hand, cigarettes release many substances that promote inflammation and smoking constricts the blood vessels in the skin.

Some certain medications such as antidepressants, steroids, antiepileptic drugs and the increased use of androgens can promote acne.

Cosmetics and facial care products with a high oil and fat content can also clog the sebaceous glands. This in turn can be a trigger for acne.

Clothing that is too tight, such as helmets, face shields or headbands, can also exacerbate acne. By preventing sufficient sebum flow due to excessive pressure.

Stress and prolonged emotional tension can significantly slow down the healing of scars and promote acne.

Want to do something about your acne? We have acne tips and home remedies for acne prepared for you.

How can I get rid of acne?

One thing in particular helps against acne: acne treatment. And you have to take the first step. In the case of severe acne, treatment is recommended, accompanied by a dermatologist.

Do you want to prevent spots and reduce skin irritation? Then we will be happy to help you rebalance your natural skin flora with Sanubiom SkinCare Protect.

Our probiotic skin protection with phages promotes the growth of good bacteria (such as staphylococci, aerobic corynebacteria and lipophilic bacteria).

Bad bacteria that cause acne are suppressed by bacteriophages, reducing redness and skin irritation.

We deliberately use phages to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier. However, your skin will not be unnecessarily stressed.

How can I get rid of acne?
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