
Can acne really be cured?

Ist Akne wirklich heilbar?

Whether and how acne can be cured varies from person to person. What is certain is that you can treat acne. Acne is a skin disease, but with the right measures and support from your dermatologist, it can be well controlled.

It is important to distinguish between the healing of symptoms and the complete healing of the disease.

Because even if the symptoms such as pimples, blackheads and redness disappear, the physical prerequisites for acne remain.

Can acne be cured?

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases and although it cannot be completely cured, it can be treated. And above all, the visible symptoms such as pimples and blackheads can be cured.

Acne often only occurs for a short period in life, very often during puberty. It often disappears of its own accord as the child enters adulthood.

Acne in adults, known as late acne, is usually more protracted in its treatment. Basically, the type of acne and its course always determine the type of treatment and the chance of healing.

How long does it take for acne to go away?

It is not possible to say exactly how long acne lasts and it naturally depends on the form, course and treatment of the acne. If left untreated, mild acne can stop at around the age of twenty-five, but no later than the early thirties.

But you can do something about acne at an earlier stage. Professional and, above all, regular acne treatment can minimize the severity of acne and prevent scarring.

Do you have acne forever?

From a medical point of view, acne is a chronic inflammatory but non-contagious disease of the sebaceous glands. Acne is hereditary. It is therefore entirely down to genetic predisposition whether the skin is prone to blemishes or a disorder of the sebaceous glands.

However, many factors that promote acne can be influenced by yourself. And you don’t have to carry the visible symptoms such as pimples, blackheads and redness around with you forever.

This is why it is so important to start treatment for acne at an early stage. This is because scarring should be prevented at all costs. However, it is also a fact that acne treatment is always a long-term treatment.

Depending on the severity, a decision is made as to whether purely external treatment is sufficient or whether treatment with medication is necessary. Read more about acne treatment here: Acne treatment – medication and alternative therapy.

Do you have acne forever?

How do I get rid of my acne?

The treatment of acne always depends on the form, the course and also the skin type. A professional consultation with a dermatologist should therefore always be the first step.

In any case, acne does not disappear on its own and especially not by squeezing out the blackheads yourself.

Acne is initially treated with topical measures. This means that the affected areas of skin are treated with ointments and creams.

Professional removal of the comedones by a beautician can also significantly improve the clinical picture.

In severe cases or if treatment with ointments does not work, taking medication is usually the next step.

Tips for external acne treatment:

  • cleansing with special acne products that contain dermatologically tested ingredients
  • the local application of prescribed topical ointments and creams
  • Always (and only if necessary) use oil-free make-up
  • do without fragrances and perfumes

Reduziere deine Akne

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Acne mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Acne – reduce redness and pimples with phages

Various factors can imbalance the skin and cause harmful bacteria to multiply, leading to inflammation of the skin. Skin irritations such as redness and itching occur.

However, the symptoms can be reduced with the use of phages. With Sanubiom SkinCare Protect we have harnessed the power of nature and developed a probiotic skin protector that contains bacteriophages.

Bacteriophages suppress harmful bacteria and thus support the skin’s natural balance.

Beitrag teilen
Wie lange dauert eine Akne?
How long does acne last?
How long does acne last?
Wie lange dauert eine Akne?
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