
Can rosacea be cured?

Kann Rosacea geheilt werden?

The chronic inflammatory skin disease rosacea is a burden for many sufferers . This is because the noticeable redness on the face and the enlarged veins often have a noticeable impact on quality of life.

Rosacea is not considered curable. However, the right rosacea treatment can reduce the symptoms and even stop the disease. We will tell you under what circumstances you can achieve these successes and what treatment can look like.u

Can rosacea disappear or regress?

There are already many indications and strong suspicions about the cause of rosacea . However, the exact causes of ros acea have not yet been fully clarified. We therefore also assume that rosacea cannot be cured.

However, this should not discourage you. Because with the right treatments for rosacea it is quite possible to limit your symptoms. With the right treatment, some patients were even able to become “CLEAR”, i.e. completely appearance-free.

The basis for this is first of all a visit to the dermatologist. He determines the condition of the affected skin areas. In addition, a competent person can determine exactly which disease is present.

So you don’t have to ask yourself whether you suffer from rosacea or couperose. An effective treatment concept can be developed together.

This can reduce the nodules, papules and dilated blood vessels on the face in the cheek, nose or chin area.

In addition to medication and effective active ingredients, there are also other factors that make treatment effective. In this way, the goal of freedom from symptoms can be achieved.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

  • REDUZIERT Rötungen und Juckreiz
  • FÖRDERT das Gleichgewicht der Haut
  • STÄRKT die Hautschutzbarriere

Skin protection


The rosacea treatment

The treatment of rosacea often begins with rosacea creams, gels or ointments enriched with active ingredients. The substances azelaic acid or metronidazole are often used here.

Azelaic acid is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the increased growth of horny cells in the skin caused by the disease is regulated again.

Treating rosacea with cream

Metronidazole is also an anti-inflammatory antibiotic. Other active ingredients are also available in rosacea therapy. Vitamin A-related retinoids, for example, are also effective against redness. Permethrin, on the other hand, is intended to combat papules and pustules as well as pus-filled pimples.

Further steps in the treatment of rosacea

The topical medication can be supplemented for a more severe form of rosacea . This involves administering active ingredients for internal use, for example in the form of tablets . Antibiotics are often used for rosacea.

Incidentally, not all of the preparations to be used are originally intended for rosacea therapy, such as isotretinoin. Nevertheless, good results can also be achieved with this and other substances.

Based on the individual skin condition and other factors, a dermatologist can competently decide which therapeutic approaches can be chosen.

Therapies for severe rosacea symptoms

If the symptoms of rosacea are already very obvious, forms of therapy such as laser treatment can improve the quality of life again. Reddening of the skin, for example on the nose, chin or in the cheek area, and dilated blood vessels are reduced or eliminated.

Even rhinophyma can be treated with such treatments, but also with surgical procedures. Explanation: Rhinophyma is the typical rosacea nose – also known as a bulbous nose.

You can play an active role in ensuring that your rosacea treatment brings the desired success. You can avoid typical triggers such as UV radiation or large temperature fluctuations as much as possible.

Your rosacea diet can also play a role in how your rosacea progresses.

Therefore, if possible, avoid the following to avoid possible rosacea triggers:

  • No spicy food
  • No strongly spiced food
  • Reduction of alcohol
  • Reduction of animal products
  • Avoid sunbathing or protect your rosacea skin with sunscreen

If the skin condition is caused by genetic factors, it can help to avoid these typical triggers. It is difficult to say whether this measure will bring the desired result in the case of severe rosacea.

Reduce redness with Sanubiom Rosacea

Last but not least, the right care for your rosacea skin is also a key to feeling better. Skin diseases such as rosacea are often caused by a disorder of the skin barrier.

This is because Demodex mites naturally colonize our skin. If this balance is upset, diseases such as rosacea can develop. You can restore your skin’s balance with a pH-neutral skincare product that strengthens your skin’s microbiome.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Sanubiom Skin Care Protect helps the good and anti-inflammatory bacteria on your skin to grow. At the same time, Phage Technology ensures that the bad bacteria on your skin are reduced.

This is because the phages they contain are specialized in finding and dissolving them. This makes Sanubiom Skin Protection Spray the ideal companion to protect against itching, redness and to build up the skin’s protective barrier.

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