
Cortisone for acne? NO thanks!

Cortison gegen Akne? Nein danke!

Does cortisone help against acne? We hear or read about it again and again. We’ll tell you what it’s all about in this article.

Many people suffer from acne as teenagers. But pimples and pustules may still be an issue for you long after puberty. Then a hormonal disorder could be the cause. In this case, a dermatologist will often prescribe cortisone for acne.

However, even though it is a widely used therapy, it is not without risk. Cortisone has an effect on the body: it changes the hormone balance. The numerous side effects speak for themselves.

And in fact, some people get even worse acne precisely from cortisone. There are alternatives that do not harm the body. One of them is presented in more detail here. You will also find out why treatment with cortisone can be so problematic.

Why cortisone for acne?

Cortisone is often used for skin diseases. It can inhibit inflammation and soothe the skin.

This is why it alleviates neurodermatitis and eczema, for example. But why is cortisone used to treat acne? Not every form of acne is treated with cortisone. Cortisone can only reduce acne if it has hormonal causes.

Hormonal imbalances as a cause of acne

Teenagers are usually affected by acne. At this age, an imbalanced hormone level is not uncommon. An excess of androgens – male sex hormones – stimulates sebum production. This clogs the pores. The presence of certain bacteria causes inflammation and a pustule forms.

But some people still have spots after the age of 30. Such severe acne can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Too many androgens are constantly being produced. The skin remains oily and new inflammations occur.

Cortisone for acne – The therapy

Cortisone (or cortisone) is the colloquial term for a synthetic substance related to cortisol.

This is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex. It is often referred to as the stress hormone. In reality, however, it is involved in a large number of processes in the body. Cortisone is available as tablets and cream.

Both forms are also used to treat acne. The therapy is usually prescribed by a doctor.

Cortisone injections for acne

In addition to creams and tablets, cortisone is also administered as an injection. These cortisone injections are actually intended for people with rheumatism and other chronic diseases. But there is also a trend towards injecting cortisone directly into problem skin.

Dermatologists warn against fighting pimples in this way. Acne is one of the many possible side effects. It simply has a different cause. Nevertheless, the skin is no better off.

Cortisone injection against acne

Risks & side effects of cortisone

Cortisone interferes with the hormone balance. This represents a certain risk. Interfering with an individual’s hormonal balance is not unproblematic. This is because there are various side effects of cortisone depending on how it is used:

Cortisone cream or ointment

Ointments containing cortisone can cause white pigment spots and stretch marks. It is also possible that the skin thins out from the cream. Inflammation at the root of the hair also occurs.

Cortisone tablets

Cortisone tablets have many possible side effects. The cortisone is transported throughout the body via the digestive system. It affects blood pressure, the psyche, digestion, the immune system… some people gain weight because they are increasingly hungry. Sleep disorders occur, as do osteoporosis and thrombosis.

And acne is one of the most common side effects of treatment with cortisone. This means that the problem could even be exacerbated by the tablets.

Treatment with cortisone can have a variety of consequences. It is therefore important to consider carefully whether the creams and tablets are more likely to help or harm in individual cases.

Cortisone tablets

NO to cortisone for acne

So how useful is it to use cortisone against acne? Cortisone can help against pimples and pustules. But it also influences your body on other levels. You do not have to put up with the numerous side effects that cortisone tablets in particular cause.

There is a natural alternative: Treatment with bacteriophages. It fights acne in a gentle way that is beneficial to the skin ‘s natural balance.

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Skin protection


Bacteriophages as a natural alternative

If you are struggling with blemished skin, you can also combat it without cortisone. This natural alternative to cortisone has no side effects. It goes by the unwieldy name of “ bacteriophage “. These are bacteria eaters.

They cannot harm larger creatures. There are special phages for the treatment of acne. They damage the bacteria that trigger inflammation and thus irritate the skin.

Bacteriophages are used to treat pimples and pustules. The skin condition improves quickly because it reduces inflammation. Bacteriophages can also help with redness, skin irritations and papules. They help you to achieve holistically healthy skin in a natural way.

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