
Homeopathy for rosacea – what really helps?

Homöopathie bei Rosacea – Was hilft wirklich?

People affected by rosacea suffer greatly from their skin condition. The symptoms are accompanied by an extremely unpleasant, burning and itchy skin sensation. The external appearance with papules and pustules or red veins on the face is also very distressing.

Homeopathy for rosacea can lead to improvements by supporting the therapy. The classic rosacea treatment is supplemented by natural remedies. Gentle, homeopathic medicines are used, but medicinal plants are also often used for skin care.

How do medicinal plants and homeopathy help with rosacea? In this article, we give you an overview of the possible, gentle supporters.

What is homeopathy?

Classical homeopathy is a healing method that works according to a special principle. It is based on the principle: “Let like be cured by like” (Latin: similia similibus curentur).

Homeopathy for healthy skin

In practice, it looks like this: If you have a cold, your eyes water and your nose runs. This is also the case when cutting an onion.

Certain substances in onions therefore have an effect on our mucous membranes, which are also most likely to be affected by cold symptoms. So there is a connection here 1 .

It is precisely these ingredients of the onion that are therefore used to treat the common cold – like cures like. This is also known as stimulation and regulation therapy.

Allium cepa is the Latin name for the kitchen onion. To prepare the homeopathic remedy Allium cepa, an essence is made from fresh onions and processed. These substances are diluted, which brings us to another principle of homeopathy, potentization.

The various plant, animal or mineral active ingredients are increasingly diluted – the greater the degree of dilution, the greater the effectiveness.

The following applies: lower potencies are less diluted, higher potencies are more diluted.

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How effective is homeopathy for rosacea?

Homeopathy for rosacea? As with other diseases, the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for rosacea is always individual.

This is especially true as homeopathy tries to take a holistic view of the patient. Accordingly, there is no universally effective homeopathic remedy for rosacea.

But depending on which factors come together for a person, something suitable can be put together.

In this way, rosacea can be treated homeopathically. The doctor, alternative practitioner or pharmacist can be consulted regarding the composition.

Medicinal plants for rosacea

The use of medicinal plants can be helpful for various symptoms of rosacea.

Compresses soaked in green tea are particularly well-known here 2 . This is because it contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances.

This helps to reduce redness and support the healing process. Simply brew the green tea and leave to cool after ten minutes.

Then soak cotton compresses in the tea and leave on the skin for a few minutes. Ideally, the compresses should be applied twice a day.

Incidentally, in addition to green tea, tea made from local chamomile also has a similar effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and the terpenoids and flavonoids it contains soothe irritated skin.

Globules for rosacea

Even if there is no one rosacea homeopathy – the right remedy can be found depending on the individual condition. It is not only the condition of the skin that plays a role here.

Potassium phosphoricum is a popular remedy for nervousness. Potassium sulphuricum is often more suitable for rosacea sufferers with additional mucous membrane disorders.

Homeopathic treatment of rosacea is always personalized 2 .

Globules for rosacea

Schüssler salts as an alternative treatment for rosacea

The therapeutic approach of Schüssler salts relates to the body’s mineral balance 3 . If this is disturbed – so the assumption – then diseases such as rosacea can also occur.

In order to restore the balance, Schüssler therapy involves administering mineral salts in homeopathic doses, usually in the form of tablets. The aim is to restore the body’s balance and help it to cope with illness.

Bach flowers and rosacea

Bach flower therapy also aims to look at the overall condition of those affected and not just rosacea in isolation.

That is why the same applies here: We always work with an individually tailored, homeopathically diluted mixture.

The aim is to activate the body’s self-healing powers by achieving a mental balance, which is promoted by the flowers 4 .

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Homeopathy for rosacea – Conclusion

Note: There is no scientifically proven efficacy for homeopathic remedies. Cases in which diseases have been successfully treated with the help of homeopathy are based solely on anecdotal evidence.

In other words, these are not clearly verifiable successes, but successes based on individual experiences. As homeopathic remedies have practically no side effects, they are still very popular. They can provide good support during the healing process.

The placebo effect can also achieve improvements. Nevertheless, medical advice should not be dispensed with – homeopathy cannot replace it.

  1. 1.
    besamex. Homeopathy – definition, effects and areas of application. besamex – Your pharmacy brings it. Accessed May 19, 2021.
  2. 2.
    EAU THERMALE AVENE. Rosacea: Home remedies for redness. EAU THERMALE AVENE. Accessed May 19, 2021.,Kamille%20beruhigen%20die%20Haut%20zus%C3%A4tzlich
  3. 3.
    DHU Schüssler. Principle of action according to Dr. Schuessler: The gentle way is the goal. DHU Schüssler. Accessed May 19, 2021.
  4. 4.
    the main thing. Bach flowers for stressed skin. the main thing. Published December 3, 2012. Accessed May 19, 2021.
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