
How can I tell if I have atopic dermatitis?

Wie erkenne ich, ob ich Neurodermitis habe?

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Recognizing neurodermatitis is not child’s play. Depending on the trigger of the flare-up and the age of the patient, the disease can have different manifestations.

The symptoms range from dry, flaky skin and severe redness to agonizing itching all over the body.

With around 5 million sufferers, atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin diseases in Germany.

Parents in particular are often worried. You wonder whether your child’s dry skin could be a sign of the chronic inflammatory disease. As a solution, parents have their children tested by a doctor. But how can I even recognize neurodermatitis?

The disease, which is often caused by genetic mutations, causes the skin to lose a lot of moisture and dry out easily as a result.

Not only the agonizing itching, but especially the visible skin changes are a great burden for neurodermatitis patients. These result in a considerable loss of quality of life.

What does the skin look like with atopic dermatitis?

Atopic eczema or flexural eczema is particularly typical of neurodermatitis. This means red, scaly patches of skin that crust over and prefer to spread in the crook of the arms and legs.

Neurodermatitis as flexor eczema on the arm

If the skin begins to ooze, it cannot retain moisture despite being very dry. What sounds paradoxical is actually an enormous burden for those affected.

The disease often affects small children. These scaly areas are usually found on the head. These are also known as “cradle cap” as they are somewhat reminiscent of burnt milk. Neurodermatitis in adults, on the other hand, is characterized by dry patches around the eyes and mouth.

Neurodermatitis around the mouth

Reduziere Neurodermitis

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How do I find out if I have atopic dermatitis?

Do you struggle with skin eczema, especially in cold or changing weather conditions? Are dry lips an everyday problem for you?

Are there any known cases in your family? Then you should have these symptoms checked out by a doctor so that atopic dermatitis can be recognized and treated!

In general, atopic dermatitis is much more common in children than in adults. In 60% of patients, the disease occurs in the first 5 years of life.

It is therefore particularly important to be able to recognize atopic dermatitis at an early stage. As an adult, caution is advised here: dry skin does not necessarily mean atopic dermatitis.

How to recognize neurodermatitis

Nevertheless, it is not impossible that you will still suffer from the disease as an adult. Especially if the skin problems occur in episodes and you are affected by recurring conjunctivitis, a disease is likely.

Atopic dermatitis symptoms are incredibly variable in both children and adults. What many people don’t know is that even small cracks in the corners of the mouth and earlobes count as so-called “minimal variants” of the disease.

Acute attacks in particular can vary in severity and last from days to months. The time interval at which they occur cannot be determined across the board either. In the worst case, infections of the skin with bacteria and fungi can be the result.

UV light or UV radiation, for example, can trigger a flare-up. Certain foods are also known to be triggers. It should be avoided completely in cases of severe neurodermatitis.

Reduziere Neurodermitis

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Can I be tested for neurodermatitis?

To avoid serious complications, you should be tested for atopic dermatitis at an early stage. If there is a serious suspicion, it is advisable to have the symptoms examined by a dermatologist. The doctor will carry out various tests to diagnose the skin disease.

The appearance of the skin eczema is usually enough for the treating doctor to find indications of atopic dermatitis.

In addition to a detailed questioning about individual symptoms, influencing factors and lifestyle, also known in specialist jargon as anamnesis, the physical examination is of particular importance.

In addition, blood, allergy and skin tests can help to identify atopic dermatitis relatively quickly and painlessly. You can regain a lot of quality of life by treating the symptoms individually.

Affected children and adults can lead a normal life if the disease is managed correctly.

Beitrag teilen
Wie erkenne ich, ob ich Neurodermitis habe?
How can I tell if I have atopic dermatitis?
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