
How long does acne last?

Wie lange dauert eine Akne?

When asking about the duration of acne, a distinction is first made as to whether the acne rash is hormonal or adult acne.

The duration of acne therefore depends on the type on the one hand and on the treatment on the other.

The quicker you start treatment, the quicker the acne will go away.

How long do you have acne during puberty?

During puberty, the skin goes crazy and the skin disease accompanied by pimples and blackheads can be a serious problem for boys and girls during this time. As long as the hormones are imbalanced, the skin is also imbalanced.

Due to this hormonal change, many adolescents develop “common acne”, also known as acne vulgaris. Both male sex hormones and female hormones are responsible for typical blemished skin.

How long puberty lasts is different for everyone. Basically, it can be said that the physical maturation process is usually complete at 16 or 17.

Exactly how long acne lasts during puberty and how severe it is also varies from person to person. Untreated mild acne can stop around the age of twenty-five.

Very often, however, acne disappears by the early thirties at the latest.

If the areas of skin affected by acne do not improve with self-help measures within the next 2-3 months or if purulent pustules and deep lumps form, you should consult a doctor.

When will I finally get rid of my pimples?

Pimples and blackheads always appear at the most inopportune moments. And of course they can’t simply be magicked away. Whether on the face under make-up, on the chest, back or other parts of the body, pimples are bad everywhere.

If the pimples are due to stress, medication, your diet or inappropriate skin care, you have a certain amount of control over how long the pimples remain. Home remedies can also help you fight acne – find out more here: Home remedies for acne: Our TOP 8 that really help!

If a hormonal change is the reason, time can help, even if that sounds stupid. And secondly, with the right skin protection you can reduce skin irritation, redness and itching within a few weeks.

If you are more affected by fungal acne and have many small pimples on your forehead that cannot be squeezed out, the typical treatment methods for blemishes or acne will not help.

It is best to talk to your doctor about possible treatment with antibiotics.

When will I finally get rid of my pimples?

That’s how long a conventional acne treatment takes!

When treating acne, the right acne treatment is particularly important. Basically, you can treat mild, physiological acne with appropriate skin care. We always advise you to see a doctor if you have severe acne.

With professional treatment and the right skin protection, a mild form of acne can be brought under control in a few weeks. The treatment should feel good for you, suit the course of your acne and then be continued constantly. Even severe acne can at least be reduced within a few weeks with the right treatment.

The earlier you recognize the symptoms and treat the cause, the better. Because only with an effective acne treatment can you reduce the risk of acne scars and the deterioration of your skin.

The use of phages promises a rapid reduction in acne

The use of phages as a treatment method for acne can lead to a rapid and lasting improvement in the condition of the skin. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus which is one of the causes of acne, is suppressed by the targeted use of bacteriophages.

Reduziere deine Akne

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Acne mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


This can quickly reduce redness and irritation. You can really get to grips with blackheads and spots. Sanubiom SkinCare Protect balances your skin flora and strengthens the skin’s protective barrier.

Developed on the basis of Phage Technology, our probiotic skin protection is based exclusively on natural products. Sanubiom SkinCare Protect is pH neutral, alcohol-free and vegan. You can therefore also use the product on dry skin.

About the article

Author: Martin Müller

“Various internal and external influences can cause our microbial balance to become unbalanced. Harmful bacteria get out of hand and skin irritations such as redness, itching and eczema are the result. “

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