Kategorie: Rosacea

Neurodermatitis, Rosacea

Rosacea, couperose or neurodermatitis?

3 Minuten Lesezeit

These three skin conditions are very similar and yet different: rosacea, couperose and neurodermatitis. We explain the differences.


Can rosacea be cured?

3 Minuten Lesezeit

The chronic inflammatory skin disease rosacea is a burden for many sufferers. We will tell you under what circumstances you can reduce the symptoms of the disease.


Diet for rosacea – The right foods for rosacea

4 Minuten Lesezeit

Eliminating certain foods, especially those that contain cinnamaldehyde, sugar or histamines, as well as animal products and alcohol, leads to a better complexion in the long term.

Acne, General, Rosacea

Mask – Impure skin & pimples due to mouth and nose protection

4 Minuten Lesezeit

Maskne means the formation of blemished and pimply skin through a protective mask on the face. It is therefore not a typo, as the nesting word is made up of “mask” and “acne”.


Homeopathy for rosacea – what really helps?

4 Minuten Lesezeit

Rosacea therapy is often supported by natural remedies. But how do homeopathy and medicinal plants help with rosacea? We give you an overview of the possible supporters for rosacea.


Rosacea home remedies – What really helps?

6 Minuten Lesezeit

Red, irritated skin can reduce self-confidence and be painful. Effective help is needed. We show you home remedies for rosacea that really help.


Antibiotics for rosacea – you have these alternatives!

4 Minuten Lesezeit

In many cases, antibiotics are the first remedy considered to alleviate the symptoms. We explain which antibiotics are frequently used for rosacea, why this therapy is not always useful and what alternatives are available.


Rosacea caused by alcohol – why you should definitely avoid alcohol!

4 Minuten Lesezeit

Alcohol is a key issue with rosacea. Alcoholic drinks often trigger bouts of redness. As one study suggests, it could even be partly responsible for the development of the disease. More on this in the article!


What helps against rosacea on the nose?

4 Minuten Lesezeit

What does rosacea on the nose look like? Causes and symptoms Stage I – initial stage of rosacea: A temporary reddening of the nose and other areas of the face such as the forehead, cheeks and chin. This reddening is also known as a “flush”. Stage II – permanently reddened skin: Permanent redness and blotchiness […]


Rosacea cream for skin care

4 Minuten Lesezeit

The skin disease rosacea severely affects the lives of those affected. This is because the chronically inflamed rosacea face stands out with its nodules, papules and pustules, as well as redness. That is why the most important goal of rosacea treatment is to reduce the symptoms or make them disappear. If rosacea is treated externally, […]

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