Acne, General, Rosacea

Mask – Impure skin & pimples due to mouth and nose protection

Hilfe - unreine, pickelige Haut durch Mund-Nasen-Maske?

Maskne means the formation of blemished and pimply skin through a protective mask on the face. It is therefore not a typo, as the nesting word is made up of “mask” and “acne”.

The cause of the skin problem “maskne” is the frequent wearing of a mouth and nose protector. This leads to skin irritation in the mouth area. Stressed skin reacts with redness and spots.

In this article, we show you how to prevent maskne properly and how to get rid of skin problems.

What is “Maskne”?

Maskne is not new. People in the healthcare sector have always been affected by the skin problems caused by protective masks. However, due to the mask requirement imposed in many places due to Covid-19, the term is experiencing a real upswing.

Many people are currently wearing a mask for long periods of time and are affected by skin irritation. This is partly due to the friction of the mask on sensitive facial skin. The skin condition worsens in the affected areas. The skin barrier is disrupted. The smallest cracks and irritated pores are the result and make the facial skin susceptible to impurities and bacteria.

In addition, sweat and warm air collects under the mask. This creates a good breeding ground for bacteria and favors the development of inflammation and acne. However, maskne is not hormonal acne, but so-called “mechanical acne”.

The consequences of Maskne:

  • itchy skin
  • dry skin
  • possibly pimples and pustules

Who is affected by Maskne?

A connection between the coronavirus, the mask requirement (surgical mask, FFP2 or FFP3 mask) and blemished skin may not seem obvious at first.

However, people who work in professions where they wear an MNS for several hours a day have had to quickly establish this connection.

For people with sensitive skin, even wearing the mask when shopping or on the bus is often enough to suffer from unwanted side effects. These appear as irritated and reddened skin, possibly even with blemishes.

People whose skin is exposed to additional stimuli are more severely affected. It can be promoted by the excessive use of care products or make-up . Maskne is a form of stewardess disease . This particularly affects women who are exposed to dry air and use different skin care products or too much make-up.

Stärke deine Haut

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

  • REDUZIERT Rötungen und Juckreiz
  • FÖRDERT das Gleichgewicht der Haut
  • STÄRKT die Hautschutzbarriere

Skin protection


What helps with maskne?

It is always better to take preventative measures and strengthen the skin barrier in advance. However, if you are already suffering from skin problems due to a mask, we recommend that you adhere to the following points:

Gentle skin care

Note that the cause of redness and spots is an irritated skin barrier. Irritated pores and fine cracks in the skin form a breeding ground for bacteria and infections. Gentle skin care is therefore particularly important. It is best to cleanse your skin regularly with warm water. Too many different care products can have a negative effect.

The probiotic skincare with Phage Technology supports you in your daily skincare routine. It ensures a healthy build-up of skin flora and strengthens the skin’s protective barrier.

Gentle scrubs

Gentle exfoliation removes dead cells from your skin. However, the scrub should not dry out your skin. Any additional irritation of the skin barrier must be avoided.

Strengthen the skin barrier

Regular use of bacteriophages helps to regenerate the skin’s protective barrier. Applying the spray restores the bacterial balance of your skin. The skin becomes more resistant and the irritation in the mouth area caused by a mask is less noticeable.

Would you like to know how you can further strengthen your skin flora? Find out more here: Strengthen skin flora – interesting facts for a healthy microbiome.

How can I prevent maskne?

To prevent skin problems from occurring in the first place, the skin barrier should be strengthened and properly cared for beforehand. With the right prevention, you can wear a mask without suffering from skin problems. Your skin is more resistant to friction and the moist environment under the protective mask.

These steps are helpful for a strong skin barrier:

  1. Regular facial cleansing before wearing a face mask. Impurities and bacteria on the skin are removed simply by cleaning with water.
  2. Gentle skin care with a probiotic skin care product.
  3. Avoid make-up with too much coverage. This can lead to a blockage of the pores and thus favors maskne.
  4. Use fresh masks regularly or wash your fabric mask after each use.

Also avoid factors that can promote skin irritation. These include:

  • UV radiation – protection with dermatologically recommended products
  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Too much care
  • Stress

Help the skin flora to recover

A major problem with maskne is the weakening of the skin barrier. If the skin barrier is damaged, this can often be traced back to a disturbed skin microbiome.

The skin microbiome describes which microorganisms colonize our skin and in what proportions. If this microbiome is in balance, then our skin is also doing well.

Stärke & schütze deine Haut

SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


However, this ratio is not balanced in the case of a skin disease. An excess of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus causes the rash and other symptoms.

Phages actively support the skin in regaining its balance.

Phages ensure that “bad” bacteria on the skin, such as Staphylococcus aureus are reduced . The skin flora is rebalanced – redness and irritation are reduced.

Maskne as a skin rash – our conclusion

Acne can occur as a side effect of wearing a face mask. Whether you avoid cosmetic products completely, change your mask more often or use home remedies, there are several ways to combat the problem. Maskne usually subsides quickly.

Wearing masks is probably here to stay. Be careful when choosing your mask and care for your skin accordingly.

About the article

Author: Martin Müller

“Various internal and external influences can cause our microbial balance to become unbalanced. Harmful bacteria get out of hand and skin irritations such as redness, itching and eczema are the result. “

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