
Neurodermatitis therapy – What really helps?


Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease and must therefore also be treated during symptom-free periods. There are various pillars that need to be considered during the treatment of atopic dermatitis. On the one hand, the skin barrier should be strengthened with creams and ointments such as SkinCare Sensitive and SkinCare Plus. In addition, active ingredients that influence the immune system and alleviate inflammation are often used. There is still no cure for atopic dermatitis, but with SkinCare Protect, atopic dermatitis flare-ups can be brought under control. The disappearance of symptoms with increasing age has also not yet been clearly explained.

The pillars of neurodermatitis treatment:

  • Basic therapy for good skin condition:
    Continuous skin care is very important to improve the general condition of the skin. Also the treatment of the barrier defect. As a rule, an adult with atopic dermatitis needs around one kilogram of creams and lotions per month.
  • Avoiding or reducing factors that trigger or exacerbate atopic dermatitis flare-ups
  • Eliminating skin germs such as Staphylococcus aureus with SkinCare Protect
  • If atopic dermatitis is caused by a food allergy, those affected should avoid or at least reduce the amount of food that triggers it.
  • Scratching should be avoided despite itching
  • Neurodermatitis training courses are now available for both children and adults
  • Eczema therapy, for acute flare-ups:
    The topical application of anti-inflammatory agents such as cortisone creams or calcineurin inhibitors is often used. The creams are also applied twice a week in sympthoma-free phases to prevent the next flare-up. However, cortisone ointments are not suitable for prolonged treatment. SkinCare Protect with Phage Technology directly attacks the skin germ Staphylococcus aureus and provides immediate relief from symptoms. SkinCare Protect is also suitable for long-term use without side effects.
  • Temporary internal treatment with anti-inflammatory agents such as Ciclosporin is also used. Cortisone tablets should also only be used in extremely exceptional cases. In the case of therapy with cortisone, the active substance must always be gradually reduced towards the end of the intake. Dupliumab antibodies can also be prescribed for adults with moderate and severe atopic dermatitis if other systemic treatment is not recommended and other creams are not sufficient.

Stage of atopic dermatitis therapy according to the general information service / Helmholtz Center Munich

Level 1
Skin condition: dry
Basic therapy: regular skin care with active ingredient-free, moisturizing care products (ointments, creams, lotions), possibly oil baths, avoidance or reduction of triggering factors (stress, food, etc.)

Stage 2
Skin condition: dry to red and scaly with itching, slight eczema and slight nodule formation and skin thickening.
Treatment level 1 plus external (topical) therapy with low-potency glucocorticoids and/or calcineurin inhibitors. If necessary, light therapy.

Level 3
Skin condition: moderate eczema (e.g. skin thickening, nodules), moderate to severe itching
Treatment level 1 plus 2 plus external (topical) therapy with more potent glucocorticoids and/or calcineurin inhibitors. In addition, other measures such as light therapy, medication against itching, antiseptic agents.

Stage 4
Skin condition: persistent, severe eczema: Skin thickening, nodule formation, oozing, crusting), severe redness, severe itching.
Treatment stage 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus internal therapy with, for example, Ciclosporin.

Further treatment strategies

Glucocorticoids and the calcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus and pimecrolimus can also be used preventively in ointment form. The ointments are applied twice a week to the frequently affected areas of skin after the flare-up has healed. This proactively reduces the risk of a relapse and extends the symptom-free period between relapses.

Other active ingredients are often added to ointments, lotions and creams to prevent the skin from drying out, relieve itching or promote the healing of eczema, among other things. These include urea, which is recommended from the age of 2, gylcerol, linoleic acid, tanning agents, zinc, tar and polidocanol.

The antibody Dupilumab
The antibody Dupilumab is used to fight the out-of-control immune system with its own weapons. Glucocorticoids previously acted simultaneously as anti-inflammatory agents on both arms of the immune system. The arm responsible for defending against bacteria and viruses is unnecessarily weakened by the application, which means that treatment with cortisone tablets causes susceptibility to viruses and bacterial infections. Dupilumab has a more targeted effect.

Certain parts of the immune system, which are suppressed by dupilumab, play an important role in the development of eczema and itching. Dupilumab also has anti-inflammatory properties. Dupilumab is injected into the skin by the patient using a pre-filled syringe and must be refreshed every two weeks after the first dose.

Adults and adolescents from the age of twelve can be treated with the antibody for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. The efficacy and tolerability of dupilumab are currently also being investigated in studies with children.

The most common side effects of Dupilumap are reactions at the injection site, inflammation of the conjunctiva and/or the edges of the eyelids, and infections with herpes viruses in the mouth. As the preparation has only been approved since 2017, long-term experience with the treatment is still limited.

Reduziere Neurodermitis

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Antiseptic therapy

Glucocorticoid creams or calcineurin inhibitors are also effective against colonization of the skin with Staphylococcus aureus. If patients do not respond to either, creams containing antibiotics are also used. However, long-term treatment is not recommended here either. Treatment with SkinCare Protect is perfect here, as SkinCare Protect only attacks the skin germ Staphylococcus aureus thanks to Phage Technology and therefore does not destroy the skin’s protective barrier.

Specific immunotherapy

Using injections, specific immunotherapy is an effective treatment for the causes of allergic asthma, insect venom allergy and allergic rhinitis caused by pollen or house dust mite allergies. These diseases can all occur together with atopic dermatitis but are not an obstacle to specific immunotherapy.

Omission diets

There is no special neurodermatitis diet, no matter what advertisements promise. However, it may make sense to avoid certain foods that have been identified as individual allergy triggers during the diagnosis phase.

You should not skip food without a specific diagnosis of an allergy to certain foods in order to prevent a deficiency of minerals, nutrients and vitamins. That’s why you shouldn’t simply do without staple foods. Children and adolescents in particular find it difficult to give up sweets and other treats in addition to the restrictions on atopic dermatitis.

It is also difficult to identify one food as the sole cause of neurodermatitis, as the triggering factors vary from day to day and can be independent of the severity of the symptoms. Other factors can also have an influence. The sudden disappearance of eczema in children without any explanation also occurs.

Stay in the mountains and by the sea

Spending time in skin-friendly climatic regions has already proven effective for neurodermatitis. Certain climatic conditions can have a positive effect on the skin condition of atopic dermatitis patients. One reason for this could be the low level of pollen and pollutants in the air, although this has not been clearly clarified.
Medical rehabilitation treatments, even outside Germany, are approved by most health insurance companies if:

  • if the need for treatment, even abroad, is confirmed by a medical certificate
  • a favorable prognosis exists
    -two cures in the Alps and at the North Sea have not led to any improvement

The Dead Sea region

The Dead Sea, which lies at about 390 meters below sea level, has a permanent haze that filters sunlight in a special way. This filters out most of the harmful UV-B rays, allowing you to stay out in the sun for longer without risking sunburn.
The sun’s rays have anti-inflammatory potential and thus have a healing effect on neurodermatitis. The high salt content of the sea also allows the sun’s rays to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The magnesium contained in the water also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Relaxation methods and training programs

Mental processes have a major influence on neurodermatitis, which is why relaxation techniques have proven their worth.

Sports clubs offer courses at adult education centers, which are usually subsidized by health insurance companies. These courses include: Breathing exercises, Qi Gong, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen, meditation and autogenic training. There are also special atopic dermatitis training courses that focus on professional application of cream, avoiding disease triggers, scratching and relaxation techniques. The costs of 500-800€ are covered in full by some health insurance companies.

Arm with neurodermatitis
Neurodermtis on the hands

Neurodermatitis cream SkinCare Sensitive

For the daily care of skin prone to neurodermatitis, it is important to provide the skin with sufficient moisture. SkinCare Sensitive cream is aimed at the needs of extremely dry skin and skin prone to neurodermatitis. Probiotic skin care promotes the balance of the skin flora, strengthens its regeneration, moisturizes and provides nutrients that our skin needs.

Skincare Sensitive packaging photo
Skincare Sensitive packaging photo
Skincare Sensitive packaging photo

This is ensured by the special composition:

Lactobacillus ferment: contributes to the regeneration of the skin flora

Jojoba oil: provides intensive moisture and has an anti-inflammatory effect

Almond oil: contains many vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B6 and E, and has a nourishing and caring effect

Evening primrose oil: soothes the skin and makes it noticeably smoother

Shea butter: moisturizes and soothes the skin

The special composition promotes the skin’s moisture balance and reduces itching and redness.
SkinCare Sensitive is dermatologically tested and contains no fragrances.
Without silicones, parabens, kerosenes, PEGs, PAKS, aluminum, microplastics, without cortisone.

The probiotic skin spray SkinCare Protect from Sanubiom promotes the growth of good bacteria. In addition, the phage technology it contains ensures that the bad bacteria are specifically eliminated.

This rebalances the skin, eliminates irritation and reduces redness.

SkinCare Protect uses Phage Technology to restore and maintain the skin’s natural balance.

Bacteriophages (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus phages) are used to contain the spread of specific bacteria (e.g. Staphlococcus aureus).

SkinCare Protect has therefore proven its worth as skin care for acne, rosacea and neurodermatitis and can be an alternative to medication.

SkinCare Protect also contains a specially developed nutrient medium that promotes the growth of good bacteria.

You can find more information on phage therapy at

About the article

Author: Christian Unterlechner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), MBA

“From our own experience with neurodermatitis – and the long path of suffering associated with skin conditions like this – we started to look for alternative solutions to drug treatments. We are very happy to share the knowledge and experience that has gone into the years of developing our SkinCare products with you.”

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