
Rosacea caused by alcohol – why you should definitely avoid alcohol!

Rosacea durch Alkohol – warum du Alkohol unbedingt meiden solltest!

Alcohol is an important issue with the skin condition rosacea. Alcoholic drinks often trigger bouts of redness. As one study suggests, it could also be partly responsible for the development of the disease.

The results of this study are particularly relevant for women, as all participants were female. The reason: women are more frequently affected by rosacea than men. 1

In this article, you can find out why this is the case, what effects alcohol has on our skin and how you can improve its condition by giving up alcohol.

Why do you have red cheeks with rosacea due to alcohol?

People who suffer from rosacea are usually familiar with their personal triggers. Triggers are the triggers of so-called flushing, i.e. the typical flares of redness in rosacea.

Such triggers include strong UV radiation, excitement, extreme temperatures, the wrong rosacea make-up or sport. This also includes the consumption of alcohol. Why is that?

Most of the typical triggers also affect the blood vessels in the face. These dilate, resulting in the redness on the face typical of rosacea patients and the visible fine network of veins, for example on the cheeks.

This vasodilatory effect also applies to alcoholic drinks. Rosacea patients should therefore avoid it as far as possible.2

Reduziere Rosacea

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Skin protection


Rosacea caused by alcohol – Does alcohol consumption increase the risk of the disease?

While the effect of alcohol on existing rosacea has been known for some time, alcohol has only been researched as a cause for the development of rosacea in later life for a few years.

In particular, a study from the USA and China suggests that regular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing rosacea in the first place. The study was conducted exclusively with women. 1

It was observed that the women in the study who consumed alcohol were more likely to develop rosacea later in life than the women who did not drink alcohol.

In addition, the more alcohol was consumed, the more frequently rosacea occurred. However, it should also be noted: Women who tended to drink more alcohol than others were also more likely to smoke.

From this it could be deduced that rosacea may well play a role before the onset of the disease by promoting the disease.

Why does white wine increase the rate of rosacea?

The American-Chinese study conducted with women found that the risk of developing rosacea later in life due to alcohol was particularly high if white wine was drunk – especially if several glasses of wine were consumed.

This is surprising, as red wine is the leading cause of flushing in rosacea sufferers. 2

The study cannot conclusively prove whether white wine really contributes more than other alcoholic beverages to developing rosacea later in life.

It is just as possible that the women in the study simply preferred white wine in general.

What effects does alcohol have on the skin?

For rosacea patients in particular, but also for anyone who wants to avoid developing the disease later on, one thing is particularly important: the dilation of blood vessels in the face through the consumption of alcohol.

On the one hand, this creates the typical flushes. On the other hand, the vasodilatory effect can also manifest itself in the form of the disease facies alcoholica. 3

Last but not least, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages weakens our immune system.

This also increases the likelihood that the skin will be contaminated by bacteria or that existing skin diseases caused by bacteria will worsen. Again, examples of this are rosacea, but also acne.4

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


Study results: Rosacea due to alcohol

Studies such as“Alcohol intake and risk of incident rosacea in US women” show that rosacea can be triggered by alcohol. 1 The more people drink, the higher the likelihood of developing rosacea.

Although this study cannot answer all the questions perfectly, it does show the connection between drinking alcohol and the development of rosacea.

The increased risk of rosacea is another reason to consume alcohol only moderately – if at all. Alcohol damages the entire body and all organs, including the skin.

How does the rosacea face change when you stop drinking alcohol?

If the consumption of alcohol is stopped, the flushes are also reduced. In general, the following applies to this skin condition: triggers for flare-ups of redness should be avoided as much as possible. This also applies to alcohol.

As alcohol in particular has a negative effect on the entire body, it is not only the flushes that can be reduced by abstaining from alcohol. The skin can generally become more tolerant to environmental influences if, for example, alcohol does not burden the immune system.

The rosacea face will improve with reduced alcohol consumption

Reduce redness on the skin with bacteriophages

As you can see, alcohol can make your skin more susceptible to bacteria. These play a major role in skin diseases such as rosacea or acne.

But even without alcohol, your skin can suffer from bacteria that promote inflammation, for example.

The bacteria that are primarily responsible for skin diseases are called Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteriophages are used to combat them.

For some time now, phages have also been used as an alternative to antibiotics.

This is how phage technology works: Phages are specialized in certain types of bacteria, in this case Staphylococcus aureus.

They recognize the bacteria and dissolve them in a targeted manner. The skin’s microbiome rebalances itself.

This allows your skin to regain its balance and reduces redness, tension and itching. And you feel comfortable in your own skin again.

  1. 1.
    Li S, Cho E, Drucker AM, Qureshi AA, Li W-Q. Alcohol intake and risk of rosacea in US women. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Published online June 2017:1061-1067.e2. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2017.02.040
  2. 2.
    Lynn D. Survey Lists Wine As Top Alcohol Trigger. National Rosacea Society. Published 2004. Accessed June 23, 2021.
  3. 3.
    ALCOHOL IS HARMFUL TO THE SKIN. Alcohol? Know your limit. Published September 29, 2011. Accessed June 23, 2021.
  4. 4.
    Burg G, Kettelhack N. Skin and alcohol. German Medical Journal. Published 2002. Accessed June 23, 2021.
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