Why do you have rosacea?

A question that many sufferers ask themselves: What is the cause of the skin condition rosacea? In fact, there is still no complete explanation as to why people suffer from this skin disease – this also applies to the related form of couperose.

However, there are assumptions as to which factors can lead to rosacea flare-ups or the outbreak of rosacea. And even if the causes of rosacea are not fully understood, various aspects are known to cause or exacerbate the symptoms.

Avoiding these helps when dealing with rosacea patients – in addition to rosacea treatment, for example with a suitable rosacea cream or medication. The right rosacea diet can also help.

Why do you have rosacea?
Possible triggers of rosacea

Possible triggers of rosacea

Unfortunately, the causes of rosacea are not yet completely clear. But at least there are some clues.

The chronic, inflammatory disease often appears to have a genetic predisposition. This can favor other points that may cause rosacea.

These include vascular weaknesses, but also inflammation of the skin and inflammation of the nerves. One cause of rosacea could be a disturbed immune system that is overactive in the affected areas and thus causes inflammation.

There are also many indications that a specific mite species is involved.

Rosacea may not be curable, but it should definitely be treated, otherwise the disease will continue to worsen. In the most severe stage or in a very pronounced form, rosacea is accompanied by rhinophyma.

This is the typical thickening of the nose that usually occurs in men – the rosacea nose (bulbous nose). To prevent it from getting that far, it makes sense to avoid triggers of the symptoms.

UV radiation as a trigger

Intense UV radiation is a major trigger and cause of rosacea flare-ups.

Both UVB and UVA radiation, which penetrates even deeper into the skin and is present even in winter, promote redness to a great extent.

It is therefore important that you protect your rosacea skin all year round and daily with a sunscreen with the highest possible protection factor (ideally 50+). Cloud cover and window glass do not protect against UV rays.

Read more:“Sun protection for rosacea – you should pay attention to this!

UV radiation as a trigger

Alcohol for rosacea

The consumption of alcohol with rosacea dilates the blood vessels. As one symptom of rosacea is dilated blood vessels, you should avoid drinking alcohol too regularly or in large quantities. In rosacea, this is the cause of increased redness on the face and promotes nodules, papules and pustules, as well as visible veins.

Read more:“Rosacea caused by alcohol – why you should definitely avoid alcohol!

Sport for rosacea

After an intensive sports session, the blood circulation is stimulated and everyone has a reddened face at first. When practicing your sport, you should be aware that this can cause redness to increase if you have rosacea.

Sudden temperature changes

Strong temperature changes or extreme cold and heat stimulate blood circulation in the skin. This causes existing redness to intensify or, if not already present, to be triggered. You should therefore avoid activities such as saunas or keep them to a minimum.

Spicy food

Many people love spicy food. Be careful with rosacea! The spiciness stimulates blood circulation and increases or triggers redness. The right rosacea diet for a healthy gut pays off here. Because a healthy gut can help you against rosacea.

The wrong skincare and cosmetic products for your skin

The wrong skincare and cosmetic products for your skin

Not all rosacea skin care and cosmetic products, such as make-up, are suitable for rosacea skin. Any creams or lotions used should not be too heavy on the skin, otherwise heat build-up can cause redness.

The ideal rosacea cream has a low fat content. pH-neutral products are ideal for cleansing; soaps dry out the skin too much and damage the skin barrier.

In addition, the chosen products should not contain essential oils, fragrances or alcohol. All of this can be irritating.

Demodex mites

Demodex mites (hair follicle mites) are a species that occurs naturally on the skin of every human being.

However, it is suspected that they can be the cause of inflammatory reactions in rosacea because they occur in excessive numbers here.

The possible triggers for rosacea flare-ups are as varied as they are individual.

So always listen to your skin and be patient with it.

Demodex mites

About the article

Author: Katharina Hillinger

“Our skin nourishes, detoxifies and protects our body. But in order for it to fulfill its functions, our skin flora must be in balance. Healthy skin is characterized by a diverse ecosystem of microbes that form a kind of protective shield.”

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