
Sun protection for rosacea – you should pay attention to this!


The skin needs special protection in the case of rosacea skin disease. If you suffer from rosacea (also known as rosacea), effective rosacea sun protection is important. This is because the sun’s UV rays can also irritate your skin.

However, many conventional sun creams contain fats and chemical ingredients. These are also not very beneficial for rosacea. It is not easy to find the right UV protection for you.

In this article, we will show you how to recognize the best rosacea sunscreen and how to additionally protect your skin from the effects of infrared radiation and UV rays.

Why is sun protection so important for rosacea?

Various rosacea triggers cause flare-ups of the skin condition, which can trigger redness and pustules. The sun’s UV rays cause additional irritation and dry skin.

These can aggravate the irritation of the skin caused by rosacea. This is why sun protection on the face is particularly important for rosacea.

Rosacea patients should therefore use a sun cream with a high sun protection factor (SPF). However, it must not contain too many fats, as sensitive skin cannot tolerate these either.

The ideal sunscreen for rosacea blocks infrared radiation, which heats the skin and causes the veins under the skin to expand.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

  • REDUZIERT Rötungen und Juckreiz
  • FÖRDERT das Gleichgewicht der Haut
  • STÄRKT die Hautschutzbarriere

Skin protection


Which sun cream is recommended for rosacea?

Finding the right rosacea sunscreen is often not easy, as normal sunscreen contains ingredients that are harmful to rosacea skin. Which cream is the best for rosacea? The following points are essential and should be observed.

Optimal sun protection for rosacea:

  • High sun protection factor of at least 30 to 50 SPF
  • Contains no fats and chemical ingredients
  • Without anti-inflammatory substances
  • No addition of fragrances or similar harmful substances
  • Sunscreen with CE mark (medical)
Which sun cream is recommended for rosacea?

Physical light protection (mineral pigments)

Mineral sunscreen for rosacea is a more skin-friendly alternative to chemical sun protection.

The substances in the chemical sunscreen concentrate the UV rays and conduct them into the body as heat. However, this process can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

In contrast, sun creams based on minerals such as titanium oxide and zinc act as physical sun protection against UV-B and UV-A rays. They form a shield against the sun’s rays and reflect them.

This prevents them from penetrating the skin. The materials contained form a superficial protection and are therefore better tolerated by sensitive skin.

Sun emulsions

The sun emulsion usually contains less oil than a sun cream and also moisturizes the skin or contains soothing substances.

However, just like sun creams, they offer protection against UV-B and UV-A rays. There are sun emulsions on a purely natural basis that are particularly suitable as sun protection for rosacea.

Best sun protection for rosacea and make-up in one

There is also rosacea make-up with a sun protection factor of 30. The foundation is best applied after a water-based moisturizer.

You should then leave the make-up with SPF (sun protection factor) on for fifteen minutes before applying any more make-up.

This allows the skin to absorb the ingredients better. However, how well the light protection works in this way is questionable.1

Two grams are recommended for the face and neck. This is the equivalent of ten pump strokes, but usually no more than two are used.

How does rosacea sunscreen work best?

To ensure that the rosacea sun cream provides optimum protection, you should apply it in good time before sunbathing. This means at least half an hour before contact with the sun.

Many people make the mistake of applying sunscreen just before sunbathing. As a result, the skin cannot absorb the sunscreen properly and sunburn occurs despite the sunscreen.1

The right quantity also plays a major role. This is about a teaspoon of sun cream on the face.

You will need three times the amount for the rest of the body. You should always reapply sunscreen if you sweat a lot or have been in the water.

How does rosacea sunscreen work best?

How can I additionally protect my skin from the sun and sun rays?

In summer, the strong midday sun in particular must be avoided. Especially direct contact. It is best to stay in the shade and wear a sun hat.

Protect yourself from the sun’s rays in the shade

Shade already reduces skin irritation caused by the sun’s rays by 50 percent. Combined with sun cream, you are optimally protected against sunburn and reddening of the skin.

Clothing also has a certain sun protection factor. Dense cotton in particular provides good protection from the sun’s rays.

Day cream with SPF

Using a day cream with SPF for rosacea is another way to at least better protect the skin on your face. However, the sun protection factor should be at least 30 to provide relevant protection from the sun.

Conclusion rosacea sun protection

Which sunscreen is best for rosacea depends on the individual skin type. As a general rule, sunburn should be avoided with a skin condition such as rosacea. This is why sun cream for rosacea skin should have a sun protection factor of at least 30. If you follow these tips, it is no problem to go out in the sun even with rosacea.

Gentle skin care for rosacea

The right skin care for rosacea consists of natural care without harmful chemical ingredients or greasy surfactants such as those contained in most soaps. This way you avoid clogging your skin pores.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


We at Sanubiom offer you natural skin care. With Sanubiom SkinCare Protect and the Phage Technology it contains, we have made it our mission to restore your skin’s balance.

Rosacea is often favored by a lack of balance between good and bad bacteria. Phage application with bacteriophages combats this cause.

Bacteriophages are viruses that cause harmful bacteria to burst and restore the skin’s balance.

  1. 1.
    Federal Office for Radiation Protection. UV protection with sunscreen. Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Published March 26, 2021. Accessed May 26, 2021.
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