
The right diet for atopic dermatitis

Die richtige Ernährung bei Neurodermitits

The optimal diet for atopic dermatitis can prevent the development of eczema and itching.

However, certain foods are even triggers for the skin and are directly linked to atopic dermatitis. These are often foods that contain sugar or histamine. However, those affected should only avoid the foods that trigger intolerances in order to continue to supply the body with all the important nutrients.

In this article, you will find out how those affected can influence the appearance of their skin through the right diet and how food allergies and atopic dermatitis are linked in children and adults.

The connection between atopic dermatitis and food allergies

It has now been proven that there is a direct link between atopic dermatitis and food allergies or intolerances. Children who develop eczema at a relatively early age have the greatest risk of developing allergic reactions to certain foods.

This usually manifests itself in symptoms on the skin such as wheals, reddening of the skin and itching. An allergy test by a specialist can help even young children.

Adults and adolescents, on the other hand, are more likely to suffer from cross-allergies between food and pollen, which worsen the appearance of the skin. Typical hay fever symptoms, on the other hand, are usually absent. In these cases it is also important to find out which foods cause an allergic reaction and to avoid them.

It is usually advisable to consult a doctor with the symptoms, as they can prescribe the appropriate therapy.

What should I not eat if I have atopic dermatitis?

If you suffer from atopic dermatitis, you should avoid histamine-rich, spicy and sugary foods such as honey or sweets. But industrially produced foods are also bad for the skin of those affected. These often contain traces of possible neurodermatitis triggers. You should pay attention to the ingredients list of the products.

Even small amounts of certain additives can trigger an atopic dermatitis flare-up. So make sure you check whether allergens are included if you do want to use ready-made products.

However, it’s best if you cook your own meals as often as possible. Then you know what is in your meals and can more easily avoid known triggers such as sugar.

However, there are also foods that can help against atopic dermatitis and should therefore be on your menu more often.

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Which foods help against atopic dermatitis?

For the right diet for atopic dermatitis , you should focus primarily on anti-inflammatory foods. They can alleviate the symptoms.

Vegetable oils

The anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids contained in linseed oil, coconut oil, black cumin oil and hemp oil can alleviate the symptoms of inflamed skin in those affected.

However, this has not yet been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the results to date show a positive trend. Some test subjects showed an anti-inflammatory effect after taking the vegetable oils.

You can use the oils for cooking or as a salad dressing.

Which foods help against atopic dermatitis?

Food for a better complexion

There are also herbs, vegetables, fruit and fish that have a positive effect on your skin:

  • Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach
  • Salmon
  • Red and blue berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Spices: Turmeric, sage, thyme, parsley, cloves, cinnamon and basil

The ingredients of the foods mentioned here help to support a healthy complexion. Some spices are also available in tea form. Sage, lemon balm and green tea in particular have an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthen the immune system if you consume them regularly.

Vegetables and fruit strengthen the intestinal flora and immune system

Healthy intestinal flora is a prerequisite for healthy skin. Allergic reactions and neurodermatitis probably originate in the gut. Vegetables and fruit promote intestinal health and should be part of your daily diet. Five to ten different species are best.

You can build up your intestinal flora with probiotic products. It also strengthens your immune system.

Which diet promotes atopic dermatitis?

In atopic dermatitis, diet is often directly linked to inflammation of the skin and eczema.

Certain foods are suspected of causing neurodermatitis. However, there is no general recommendation as to what you should not eat.

You should therefore test your personal atopic dermatitis triggers from the foods listed here by simply leaving them out on a trial basis.

These include the following foods, for example:

  • Wheat products and cereals containing histamine
  • Nuts (especially peanuts and walnuts, which often trigger cross-allergies)
  • Apples (with the exception of dark red and sweet ones), peaches, bananas and pears
  • Certain vegetables: potatoes, celery, carrots and tomatoes
  • Strawberries, pineapple and citrus fruits can lead to flare-ups in some cases
  • Finished products or industrially manufactured products
  • Foods that contain histamine e.g. pineapple, eggplant, red wine, cheese
  • Milk, chicken and soy protein
  • Spicy food: Not necessarily a trigger, but can lead to itching
  • Foods with a high sugar content

An optimal atopic dermatitis diet is colorful and avoids fast food and convenience products.

What can you drink with atopic dermatitis?

Another possible trigger for atopic dermatitis is sugar. It is therefore better to avoid drinks that contain too much sugar. Instead, you can regularly drink herbal teas or mineral and tap water without sugar. Herbal teas that are suitable are: Green tea, lemon balm tea, peppermint tea and nettle tea.

Caution should also be exercised with highly carbonated drinks and coffee.

You can enjoy unsweetened fruit juices in moderation. You should avoid drinks with histamine such as white and red wine. They very often cause irritation to the skin.

What can you drink with atopic dermatitis?

Nutrition for neurodermatitis – our tips:

We have a few tips to help you find the right diet for atopic dermatitis: Keep a diary of which foods cause you to have flare-ups. How strong and how long they usually last is also important.

Then leave them out for two to three weeks. If your skin improves as a result, then you know which foods you need to avoid. If you notice a reaction to dairy products, you should look for alternatives.

Almond milk, coconut milk or oat milk taste similar and contain no lactose. Ask a doctor for advice on this. A detailed food diary can help you find the right diet.

What should I bear in mind when feeding children with atopic dermatitis?

A targeted atopic dermatitis diet is often difficult for children. Simply banning children from sweets and sugary drinks can be counterproductive. They then simply find other ways to get them or there is great frustration in the family.

We have prepared some helpful tips for you so that your child can live as fully as possible despite atopic dermatitis: 7 tips for parents with atopic dermatitis in children

Alternative sweets

Rice or sheep’s milk chocolate offer alternatives to conventional sweets. Gummies made from animal products should be consumed with caution. But here too, there are vegan alternatives to replace them.

This means you can let your children snack without worry, even if they suffer from neurodermatitis. A balanced mixed diet is important. If your child reacts to certain fruits, you should leave them out.

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Dairy products and breastfeeding for babies with atopic dermatitis

It is more difficult with dairy products. Before you leave them out completely, it is important to consult your pediatrician/midwife .

Atopic dermatitis often develops in children. This is why triggers can disappear again as we get older. Children with a possible predisposition to this should be breastfed for longer if possible.

This is because breast milk strengthens the child’s immune system. This reduces the risk of neurodermatitis. In some cases, it is prevented altogether.

Complementary food should only be introduced gradually after the fourth month; this can have a positive effect on the course of the disease.

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