
The right skin care for rosacea – 10 tips

10 Tipps für die richtige Hautpflege bei Rosacea

Proper rosacea skin care is extremely important. Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, the exact cause of which is not yet known.1 Symmetrical reddening of the skin on the nose, cheeks, forehead or chin are the most common symptoms of rosacea.

New studies show that proper skin cleansing and care are essential for all forms of rosacea. 1 From the right facial cleanser, to the right rosacea cream with a high sun protection factor, to nutrition. There are a number of ways in which rosacea patients can alleviate their symptoms.

You can find out all the tips and tricks for the right skin care for rosacea in this article.

1. use a mild care product for rosacea

Rosacea patients often suffer from very sensitive skin. Use rosacea skin care products that do not irritate the skin.

A mild, alcohol-free facial toner is suitable for this, for example, as it balances the pH value and thus restores the natural acid mantle.

2. cleanse your face properly

The optimal skin care for rosacea begins with facial cleansing. Cleanse your face in the morning and evening with lukewarm water.

Use a gentle washing emulsion that is soap-free and pH-neutral. To avoid reddening of the skin, gently dab your face with a towel.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

  • REDUZIERT Rötungen und Juckreiz
  • FÖRDERT das Gleichgewicht der Haut
  • STÄRKT die Hautschutzbarriere

Skin protection


3. avoid unnecessary additives in rosacea care products

When choosing rosacea skin care products, make sure that they are free from:

  • Preservatives such as phenoxyethanol
  • Alcohols
  • Colorants
  • Perfumes
  • essential oils
  • artificial emulsifiers
  • Mineral and silicone oils
  • Circulation-promoting ingredients such as caffeine, peppermint or rosemary
Avoid unnecessary additives in care products

Anti-aging products often contain skin-irritating substances such as vitamin A, retinol or fruit acids and are therefore unsuitable for rosacea treatment.

4. wear the mouth and nose protector correctly

People affected by rosacea have been struggling with skin irritation since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Find out more in the article – Masks – Blemished skin & pimples due to mouth and nose protection.

Do you suffer from maskne? You can also do something for your skin during the Covid-19 pandemic: Change your mask as soon as it is soaked by the air you breathe and always take several masks with you.

Your skin needs a break: go out into the fresh air or put a wet washcloth on your face.

5. shaving with rosacea: be careful when shaving your face

Beard shaving is a major challenge for male rosacea patients. Avoid electric shavers and grooming products containing alcohol.

To prevent infections and avoid minor injuries, your razor blades should be clean and sharp and always shave in the direction of hair growth.

A shaving foam with as few additives and fragrances as possible or substances that stimulate blood circulation is suitable for subsequent skin care for rosacea.

6. use a suitable make-up

For rosacea skin, oil and oil-free cosmetic products are your choice. If you use make-up for rosacea, it should be free from irritating preservatives and fragrances and contain mineral pigments.

These promote the skin’s protective function against UV radiation and have an optically neutralizing effect on reddened skin. You can also use a concealer to conceal any redness.

Use suitable make-up and the right concealer

7. protect your face from UV radiation

A rosacea cream with a high sun protection factor is particularly important for you in summer.

Rosacea dilates the blood vessels and your skin is less protected from UV radiation.

This promotes inflammation of the skin and damages its immune defenses. This worsens the connective tissue: nodules, papules and visible veins appear.

8. be careful with scrubs and saunas

Saunas are great for the cardiovascular system, but the rapid change between heat and cold can lead to sudden reddening of the skin in rosacea patients.

So avoid saunas and be careful with scrubs. Normal scrubs are unsuitable for your skin, as vigorous rubbing further irritates the skin.

Reduziere Rosacea

mit Sanubiom SkinCare Protect mit Phage Technology

Skin protection


9. keep a rosacea diary

To better understand your rosacea skin and preventflares, we recommend that you keep a rosacea diary.

There are a number of possible triggers:

  • Your daily skincare routine: skincare products and new products
  • your diet for rosacea: avoid spicy foods, alcohol, tea or coffee. They stimulate blood circulation and lead to dilated blood vessels 2
  • Your daily routine: stress and lack of sleep affect your skin’s appearance

Rosacea skin can also be caused by Demodex mites that colonize under the skin.

10. care for rosacea: strengthen your skin with Sanubiom

At Sanubiom, we help you to balance out redness and skin irritations on your skin. With Sanubiom SkinCare Protect we bring your skin flora back into balance using Phage Technology.

Bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, which cause rosacea, are reduced by the application of bacteriophages. The phages burst malignant bacteria and thus reduce redness, itching and irritation on your skin.

The result is healthier and therefore more beautiful skin.

For you, this means that you no longer have to scratch all the time and can enjoy the day. You can go out again without feeling ashamed of the way others look at you.

We at Sanubiom are convinced that everyone has the right to have beautiful skin! Sanubiom SkinCare Protect makes your life – and the world – a little bit better.

  1. 1.
    Borelli C, Korting HC. Non-drug management of rosacea. Dermatologist. Published online October 22, 2011:828-833. doi:10.1007/s00105-011-2145-6
  2. 2.
    Kretzschmar DrA. Rosacea: diet as a trigger factor. medical journal. Published February 2020. Accessed May 28, 2021.
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